Wharton Atacama Leadership Venture 2011

mai 21

Dispatch #1

Published at 03:30
Dispatch created from email
Hola family & friends!

Greetings from San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. We are excited and ready to head out on our Wharton Leadership Venture! Every last participant, Venture Fellow, and guide has arrived safely. We spent the day doing gear checks, enjoying the sun and the great weather, resting, and going out for gourmet dinners. Tonight we met our “patrols,” the small groups that we´ll live with for the next week. Everyone is off to get a good night´s sleep (and perhaps one last hot shower) before we head out to the trail tomorrow. Please feel free to send messages to our venture through the ExpeNews webpage, and we´ll check in as our trekking, climbing, and biking schedule allows.

Un abrazo,

Andrea, Nick, & Iain (the Venture Fellows)
  • Name: San Pedro de Atacama
  • Elevation: 2439 m
  • Latitude: 22° 5447South
  • Longitude: 68° 1154West


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